
Chapter 3 Lesson 3

A summary on what I've learned.. :)

Computers need to be taken cared in order for it to function right.
These are thing needed to take good care of our PCs!

  •  Keep computers in cool and dry places. Electric fans and air conditioners maintain good temperature.
  •  All cables and connectors must be tied together.
  • Avoid eating in front of the computer.
  •  Always use an AVR. 

              *AVR stands for Automatic Voltage Regulator

  • Do not drop or bump computer peripherals and components.
  • Always scan for computer viruses.

Computers Damages to Health

  • eye strain
  • wrist injury
  • pain in the head 
  • pain in the shoulder
  • pain in the back
  • pain in the neck

These are good working habits while using the pc..

  • Tap on the keys and mouse buttons gently.
  • Avoid long, uninterrupted periods of typing. You may take a short stretch breaks every 20 minutes.
  • Avoid staring at the monitor for long periods. Take vision breaks and do eye exercises.
These are proper work station designs..

  • Position in a well-ventilated, comfortable room.
  • use an adjustable workstation and an ergonomic computer chair 
  • place the monitor 16 to 24 inches away at eye level.
  • use extendable legs of the keyboard
  • place mouse where it is easily accessible
  • use document holder to minimize vertical  head movements
  • Proper Posture
  • sit up straight and put the feet flat on floor.
  • position your lower arms parallel with the floor and level to your keyboard
  • keep wrists straight
  • do not lean into the monitor,but sit close enough to the keyboard and the mouse.

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